
20 windows shortcuts that will save your time

20 windows shortcuts that will save your time

20 windows shortcuts that will save your time – Introduction

20 windows shortcuts that will save your time and make your life easier.

Windows shortcuts are a convenient way to perform tasks quickly and efficiently on a Windows operating system. They involve pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard to trigger a specific action or function. Using shortcuts can significantly improve your productivity and streamline your interactions with your computer. Keep in mind that some shortcuts might vary slightly depending on the specific version of Windows you are using.

Mostly Used Shortcuts

some commonly used Windows shortcuts:

1.General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected text or items.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected text or items.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut text or items.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all items or text in the current window.
  • Ctrl + S: Save the current document or file.
  • Ctrl + N: Open a new document or window in many applications.
  • Ctrl + P: Print the current document.
  • Ctrl + F: Open the “Find” or “Search” dialog to search for text.
  • Ctrl + D: Delete selected items or move items to the Recycle Bin.

2.Windows Management Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications.
  • Win + D: Show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Win + L: Lock your computer.
  • Win + M: Minimize all open windows.
  • Win + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows.
  • Alt + F4: Close the currently active window or application.

3.Taskbar and Start Menu Shortcuts:

  • Win: Open or close the Start Menu.
  • Win + 1, Win + 2, etc.: Open or switch to the application pinned to the taskbar in the corresponding position.
  • Shift + Win + 1, Shift + Win + 2, etc.: Open a new instance of the pinned application.

4.Text Editing Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + B: Bold text.
  • Ctrl + I: Italicize text.
  • Ctrl + U: Underline text.
  • Ctrl + L: Align text left.
  • Ctrl + R: Align text right.
  • Ctrl + E: Center-align text.

5.Browser Shortcuts (in web browsers):

  • Ctrl + T: Open a new tab.
  • Ctrl + W: Close the current tab.
  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open tabs.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch between open tabs in reverse order.

How It Works

The concept is quite simple. To execute a specific shortcut in Windows, all you need to do is press the right keys at the same time. In the following overview, we will connect the keys required with a “+”. Hold down the key found before the “+”. Then, press the key found after it. For example

  • “Ctrl” – This key is usually located at the bottom left-hand corner of the keyboard.
  • “Shift” – This key is used to capitalize letters and can usually be identified by an arrow pointing upward. On many keyboards, there are two “Shift” keys: one to the left of the letters and one to the right.

20 Essential Shortcuts


Basic Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl+Z: Undo
  • No matter what program you’re running, it will roll back your last action. Whether you’ve just overwritten an entire paragraph in Microsoft Word or deleted a file you didn’t mean to.
  1. Ctrl+W: Close
  • Ctrl+W will close whatever you’re viewing. Shut that File Explorer window, eliminate that browser tab, or shelve that image file without bothering to home in on the close button.
  1. Ctrl+A: Select all
  • This command lets you highlight all the text in a document or select all the files in a folder. Hitting Ctrl+A can save you time.
  1. Alt+Tab: Switch apps

It can be hugely useful when you’re running multiple applications. Just press Alt+Tab and you’ll be able to quickly flick through all your open windows.

  1. Alt+F4: Close app

It shuts down whatever app you’re using so you can skip the process of hunting down its on-screen menu. Don’t worry about losing unsaved work with this command.

Windows navigation shortcuts


  1. Win+D: Show or hide the desktop
  • This keyboard combo minimizes all your open windows, bringing your home screen into view. If you store rows and rows of files and shortcuts on your desktop.
  1. Win+left arrow or Win+right arrow: Snap windows
  • Snapping a window simply keeps it open on one side of the screen (left or right, depending on which arrow you hit). This allows you to compare two windows side-by-side and keeps your workspace organized.
  1. Win+Tab: Open the Task view
  • Like Alt+Tab, this shortcut lets you switch apps, but it does so by opening an updated Windows application switcher. The latest version shows thumbnails of all your open programs on the screen
  1. Tab and Shift+Tab: Move backward and forward through options
  • When you open a dialog box, these commands will move you forward (Tab) or backward (Shift+Tab) through the available options, saving you a click. If you’re dealing with a dialog box that has multiple tabs, hit Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate through them.
  1. Ctrl+Esc: Open the Start menu
  • If you’re using a keyboard that doesn’t have a Windows key, this shortcut will open the Start menu. Otherwise, a quick tap of the Windows key will do the same thing. From there, you can stay on the keyboard and navigate the Start menu with the cursor keys, Tab, and Shift+Tab.

Advanced Windows shortcut tricks

Some advanced 20 windows shortcuts that will save your time

  1. F2: Rename
  • Simply highlight a file and hit F2 to give it a new name. This command also lets you edit text in other programs—tap F2 in Microsoft Excel, for example, and you’ll be able to edit the contents of the cell you’re in.
  1. F5: Refresh
  • While you’re exploring the function key row, take a look at F5. This key will refresh a page—a good trick when you’re using File Explorer or your web browser. After the refresh, you’ll see the latest version of the page you’re viewing.
  1. Win+L: Lock your computer
  • Keep your computer safe from any prying eyes by using this keyboard combo right before you step away. Win+L locks the machine and returns you to the login screen, so any snoops will need your user account password to regain access.
  1. Win+I: Open Settings
  • Any time you want to configure the way Windows works, hit this keyboard shortcut to bring up the Settings screen. Alternatively, use Win+A on Windows 11 to open the Quick Settings panel. On Windows 10, Win+A brings up the Action Center panel, which shows notifications and provides quick access to certain settings.
  1. Win+S: Search Windows
  • The Windows taskbar has a handy search box that lets you quiz Cortana or sift through your applications and saved files. Jump straight to it with this keyboard shortcut, then type in your search terms.
  1. Win+PrtScn: Save a screenshot
  • No need to open a dedicated screenshot tool: Win+PrtScn grabs the whole screen and saves it as a PNG file in a Screenshots folder inside your Pictures folder. At the same time, Windows will also copy the image to the clipboard. If you don’t want to snap the whole screen, the Alt+PrtScn combination will take a screenshot of just the active window.
  1. Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the Task Manager
  • The Task Manager is your portal to everything running on your Windows system, from open programs to background processes. This shortcut will call up the Task Manager, no matter what application you’re using.
  1. Win+C: Open Microsoft Teams chat (Windows 11)
  • On Windows 11, Win+C opens Microsoft Teams chat. But if you have a Windows 10 computer, this puts Cortana in listening mode as long as you’ve activated this ability.
  1. Win+Ctrl+D: Add a new virtual desktop
  • Virtual desktops create secondary screens where you can stash some of your open applications and windows, giving you extra workspace. This shortcut lets you create one. Once you have, click the Task View button to the right of the taskbar search box to switch from one desktop to another. Or stick with shortcuts: Win+Ctrl+arrow will cycle through your open desktops, and Win+Ctrl+F4 will close whichever one you’re currently viewing and shift your open windows and apps to the next available virtual desktop.
  1. Win+X: Open a hidden menu

Windows has a hidden Start menu, called the Quick Link menu, that allows you to access all the key areas of the system. From here, you can jump straight to Device Manager to review and configure any hardware, such as printers or keyboards.


Final Words

Here are the 20 windows shortcuts that will save your time.

In the fast-paced digital world we live in, every second counts. Mastering these essential Windows shortcuts is like unlocking a hidden superpower for your computer usage. By incorporating these shortcuts into your routine, you’ll not only save time but also streamline your tasks, enhance your productivity, and navigate your computer with greater finesse.

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