
Top 10 websites to learn python in 2022

Top 10 websites to learn python in 2022

Are you considering learning Python? If you are, then let me first congratulate you for pursuing the right decision to learn Python programming language, known to be the king of programming languages.

If you’re looking to learn Python, there are a number of great resources available online.

In this roundup, we will take a closer look at the best websites to learn python in 2022. These websites are comprehensive, interactive, and free!

So, let’s get this show on the road!

Top 10 websites to learn python programming:

Python is one of the most popular programming languages and believes to be the easiest programming language for beginners. There are many websites available that offer free python tutorials.

Here are 10 of the best websites to learn Python learning for beginners in 2022. So, let’s have a look!

  1. Google’s python class
  2. Educative
  3. Coursera
  4. Udemy
  5. org
  6. CodeCademy
  7. Sololearn
  8. FreeCodeCamp [YouTube]
  9. org
  10. Full Stack Python

Before moving to the details of these websites, You can read the complete guide to python for machine learning and python for web development here.

Let’s explore each in detail so that you get a better understanding:

 Google’s python class

As the name suggests, this Python class is provided by Google. Google is known to be the storehouse of various python tutorials.

It is a free class that covers the basics of Python programming. The class is aimed at absolute beginners, and it is available in both Python 2 and Python 3 versions.


  • Course type: Video-based
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Prerequisites: Basic programming skills
  • Certificate: No

Source code: Google’s python class


Educative is a great platform to learn python, mainly composed of text-based interactive learning.

It permits you to gain and code from your program. You don’t need to stress over downloading the vital programming and setting up your development climate.

Fun tests and coding challenges will keep all of you snared, no doubt!


  • Course type: text-based
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certificate: No

Source code: Learn Python 3 from Scratch


Another best platform for learning python is Coursera. It is an online learning platform that offers Python courses and tutorials.

Here, you’ll gain admittance to the best web-based courses instructed at apparent colleges like Stanford, INSEAD, NUS (National University of Singapore), and some more.

The courses are suitable for both beginners and experienced Python programmers.


  • Course type: Video-based
  • Duration: Approx. 5 months, 7 hours/week (suggested)
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Certificate: Yes, shareable

Source code: Python for Everybody


Udemy is a great place to find online courses on just about any topic. Python is no exception, and there are plenty of courses available on Udemy to help you learn the language.

You can find both paid and free courses, although the paid courses tend to be more comprehensive.


  • Course type: Video-based
  • Duration: 1 hour 32 minutes, on-demand video
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certificate: No

Source code: Online python courses

If you want to learn Python from scratch, then is the best place for you. The official Python website offers a ton of resources to get started with the language. There is also an interactive Python shell where you can write and execute code snippets to see results immediately.

This is a great resource if you are just starting out with Python.


  • Course type: Text-based
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certificate: certification at LearnX, showcase it on your LinkedIn profile

Source code:


Codecademy offers a comprehensive Python course that covers both basic and advanced concepts.

The course is interactive, and you will be writing code snippets as you progress through the lessons.

Codecademy also offers a Python 2 course for those who want to learn the older version of the language.


  • Course type: Video-based
  • Duration to complete: 25 hours
  • Certificate: You can earn certification after course completion with the PRO membership
  • Prerequisites: None

Source code: CodeCademy python courses


SoloLearn offers a comprehensive Python course that covers both basic and advanced concepts.

The course is interactive, and you will be writing code snippets as you progress through the lessons.

SoloLearn also has a Python 3 course for those who want to learn the newer version of the language.


  • Course type: Video type
  • Duration: Approx. 5 months
  • Prerequisites: none
  • Certificate: no

Source code: Python for Beginners

FreeCodeCamp [YouTube]

This is one of those channels that hopeful python software engineers shouldn’t pass up. This channel has a colossal number of free python courses, and the courses are planned in a way that you will get a total comprehension of the language in the blink of an eye.


  • Course-type: Video-based
  • Duration: 4 hours 20 minutes of YouTube video
  • Views: 24+ million views
  • Prerequisites: None

Source code: Learn Python – Full Course for Beginners

Learn python is a website dedicated to helping people learn Python.

This website offers a free Python eBook that takes you through the basics of Python programming.

The book is suitable for absolute beginners, and it covers all the essential concepts of Python programming.

The site offers tutorials, quizzes, and projects to help you learn the language. Pythons 2 and 3 are both covered.


  • Course type: Free Python eBook
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certificate: No

Source code:

Full Stack Python

Full Stack Python is a website that offers Python tutorials and resources for people who want to learn about web development with Python.

The site covers both basic and advanced concepts and has sections on Django, Flask, and web scraping.


  • Course Type: Book
  • Duration: Self-paced
  • Prerequisites: Basic Python knowledge
  • Certificate: No
Source code: Full Stack Python

Final word

 In the coming years, Python Programming Language will be a highly demanded programming language. Due to increases in popularity, the demand for skilled Python developers will rise.

Don’t miss the chance to be one of them!

Start your journey towards becoming a Python developer. With this, we have covered the above best websites to learn Python in the year 2022. 


1. Is learning Python worth the effort in 2022?

Indeed, learning Python is worth the effort in 2022 in light of the fact that probably the most sweltering fields in tech – including Artificial intelligence and machine learning- depend vigorously on programmers with Python expertise.

2. Are there online Python courses available for free?

There are many online Python courses free to join in, yet you might have to pay a cost to get a certification of fulfilment.

3. How long is the typical online Python course?

Some beginner tutorials can be mastered in only a couple of hours, while top to bottom courses take somewhere in the range of five weeks to eight months.

4. What amount does a Python certificate cost?

You can hope to pay a few hundred bucks for a certificate, depending on where you get it. If your course does exclude a certificate, or on the other hand, if you know Python, you can take a certification test through the Python Institute for $59 to $295.

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