
Geely launches 11 satellites for Autonomous Cars

Geely launches 11 satellites for Autonomous Cars

Geely launches 11 satellites Holding Group, a momentous step toward transforming navigation for driverless vehicles, has garnered media attention. Geely’s second space mission was launched on February 3 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center by its satellite technology firm, Geespace.

Building the “Geely Future Mobility Constellation” Network

The “Geely Future Mobility Constellation” network is a commercial endeavor that embodies Geely’s ambitious ambition of seamlessly integrating communication, navigation, and remote sensing through a single satellite network. After nine satellites were deployed in June 2022, the 11 spacecraft comprise the constellation’s second orbital plane. Geely hopes to have 240 satellites in its constellation by the year 2025, with 72 of those predicted to be in orbit.

Integration with Geely’s Vehicle Models

Beyond space exploration, Geely is deeply committed to satellite technology, which it directly combines with its car lines. Notably, the Geely Galaxy E8, Zeekr 007, and Zeekr 001 FR all have built-in satellite communication capabilities. This provides commercial services including communication with consumer electronics goods, going beyond high-precision location.

AI Remote Sensing Functions for Precision Imaging

Geely receives crisp, high-resolution remote sensing image data from the 11 satellites, which demonstrate cutting-edge AI remote sensing capabilities. This technology offers opportunities to a variety of applications, such as emergency response and environmental monitoring, in addition to providing accurate navigation for autonomous cars.

China’s Evolving Satellite Landscape

China’s five-year plan (2021–2025), which calls for an integrated network of satellites for communications, remote sensing, and navigation, is in accordance with Geely’s more general objectives. Despite China’s previous military supremacy in satellite networks, the country’s space industry saw a boom in the number of commercial enterprises joining the market in 2014 when private investment was permitted.

Geely’s Global Satellite Vision

The company’s global satellite initiatives are led by Geespace, Geely’s satellite technology business. Geespace is now in an orbital configuration with two planes and an expanding constellation following the successful launch from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. CEO Tony Wang hopes to offer services via a worldwide satellite network, promoting real-time communication over the whole planet.

Overcoming Challenges and Strategic Production

Geely and Geespace are aware of the difficulties of deploying Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. These include developing a sustainable business model, strengthening transportation capacity for dependability at lower prices, and optimizing satellite mass manufacturing. Relentlessly overcoming challenges, Geespace established a state-of-the-art production plant in Taizhou, Zhejiang, with the capacity to produce 500 satellites a year, therefore slashing costs dramatically.

Market Expansion and Collaboration

Geespace’s global strategic relationships are based on a vision of planetary-scale satellite application services. A 500 satellites per year facility has been opened by the business in Taizhou, Zhejiang. As a result, production costs are reduced and Geespace is better positioned to fulfill the growing demand for electric vehicles, highlighting the critical role that IoT services and autonomous driving play in this.

Geespace is dedicated to bringing satellite application services to a worldwide audience and is working with operators in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The business is prepared to provide satellite application data services to Belt and Road Initiative participants as well as nations that are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The objective of this strategic alignment is to facilitate instantaneous cooperation across many industries, such as emergency response, marine operations, and multimodal transportation.


In addition to putting Geely at the forefront of satellite technology, the company’s 11 satellite launches mark a significant advancement toward the realization of smart cities, unmanned systems, and smart transport. Geely sees a new technology ecosystem that will influence autonomous driving and connectivity globally as it incorporates satellite capabilities with its cutting-edge automobiles.

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