
iBoss Launches ChatGPT Risk Module for Advanced Zero Trust Security

iBoss Launches ChatGPT Risk Module for Advanced Zero Trust Security

A leading provider of cloud cybersecurity, iboss, has redefined its Zero Trust Security Service Edge (SSE) offering and added the ChatGPT Risk Module. The goal of this cutting-edge module is to secure and keep an eye on user interactions with ChatGPT, a sophisticated AI system.

A Leap in AI-Powered Communication Security

The iboss Zero Trust SSE platform‘s integration of the ChatGPT Risk Module marks a substantial advancement in the management and security of AI-powered communication. In addition to guaranteeing data security and regulatory compliance, it tackles the difficulties brought about by the quick uptake of AI technologies in the workplace.

Key Features for Comprehensive Protection

  • Comprehensive Logging: ChatGPT conversations are carefully recorded for audit and supervision purposes.
  • Advanced Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Capable of detecting and preventing the transmission of sensitive information.
  • Adaptable Application Banners: By creating customized messages, administrators can encourage the responsible use of AI.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Customizable access control for ChatGPT that complies with security guidelines.
  • Instant Risk Notification: AI interactions can provide real-time alerts about possible security risks.
  • Comprehensive Reporting for Compliance: Comprehensive reports for both internal and regulatory compliance.

Strategic Asset for Balancing Innovation and Security

The ChatGPT Risk Module is marketed as a strategic asset rather than merely a tool. It helps companies strike a balance between innovation and security, enabling them to take full advantage of AI’s potential while upholding a strong security stance.

Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity Challenges

The incorporation of the ChatGPT Risk Module into the iboss platform highlights the proactive stance taken by the company in addressing the latest developments in cybersecurity. It gives network administrators, CISOs, and CIOs an effective tool to dynamically manage AI interactions, improving overall security.


I truly think that iboss’s ChatGPT Risk Module is an essential way to handle security issues with AI adoption. With its wide range of features and tactical positioning, it guarantees that enterprises can adopt innovation without sacrificing cybersecurity. This approachable solution establishes a benchmark for AI security.

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