
GitHub's Copilot Chat

How GitHub’s Copilot Chat is Boosting Developer Skills with Easy Code Queries?

GitHub’s Copilot Chat, which was previously only accessible by business users, has been made publicly available by GitHub. Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, the specialized AI coding help tool was first made available to businesses with Copilot for Business subscriptions before being made available in beta to individual users. It is now widely accessible to all.

Integration with IDEs

Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, two of Microsoft’s IDEs, are seamlessly integrated with Copilot Chat. As part of the paid tiers of GitHub Copilot, this integration is free for verified educators, learners, and maintainers of open-source projects. With these IDEs, users can access Copilot Chat straight from the sidebar.

Pricing Structure

Copilot Chat now has a price list thanks to GitHub. While business users begin at $19 per user per month, individual users can use the service for $10 per month or $100 per year. Copilot Chat is available to enterprise users for $39 per user per month.

Key Features of Copilot Chat

  1. Code Completion and Generation: Copilot Chat helps developers by producing code snippets that are based on preexisting code or natural language prompts.
  2. Chat Interface for Coding Inquiries: Copilot Chat provides developers with real-time assistance and clarifications when they ask questions in natural language about coding.
  3. Security Vulnerability Detection: The program can identify code vulnerabilities and send out alerts for possible security problems like path injections, SQL injections, and hardcoded credentials.
  4. Unit Test Generation: Based on code context, Copilot Chat provides input parameters, expected output values, and assertions to help with the creation of unit test cases.

Limitations and Considerations

Copilot Chat has certain restrictions and things to keep in mind despite its capabilities:

  1. Scope and Language Support: Copilot Chat’s effectiveness may vary based on the popularity and complexity of programming languages, particularly with more complex or underrepresented languages.
  2. Biases and Possible Problems: Users should be aware of potential security risks and erroneous code suggestions, as the tool may reinforce biases found in its training data.
  3. Continuous Review and Testing: Because Copilot Chat may produce syntactically correct but semantically incorrect or incomplete code, users are advised to thoroughly review and test the generated code.

Future Landscape and Competition

GitHub Copilot Chat is facing competition from AI coding tools like CodeGPT, CodeWhisperer from Amazon, Codey from Google, and upcoming solutions like AlphaCode 2. We’ll be closely monitoring Copilot Chat’s development and performance in relation to these alternatives.


Completely feature-rich and reasonably priced, GitHub’s Copilot Chat is integrated with well-known IDEs. It’s exciting how it can improve teamwork and expedite coding workflows. But it’s important to understand its limitations and to keep an eye on it constantly. The competitive environment of the tool increases its potential impact.

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