
Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition, but he's not interested in the algorithm

Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition, but he’s not interested in the algorithm

It has surfaced that multibillionaire real estate tycoon Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition. In the face of mounting political pressure for ByteDance, the Chinese company that owns the app, to sell over its American operations, McCourt said on Wednesday that he is assembling a group to buy TikTok.

Background on TikTok’s U.S. Ban

A bill requiring ByteDance to sell TikTok within a year or risk being banned in the country was enacted by the US Congress last month. Officials fear that the Chinese government may obtain private user information from Americans, which is why they made this decision to protect national security and privacy. ByteDance claims that this mandate is unlawful and has filed a lawsuit against the federal government to contest it.

Project Liberty and McCourt’s Vision

McCourt formed the online advocacy organization Project Liberty in 2021, and his interest in TikTok is in line with his larger goals. Project Liberty promotes an open-source internet where people have more control over their data and seeks to transform digital identity and data privacy. McCourt wants to turn TikTok into a platform where openness and user empowerment are given top priority.

TikTok’s Algorithm Not Part of the Deal

McCourt’s proposal stands apart in part because he has no interest in TikTok’s algorithm, which powers the well-liked “For You Page” feature of the app. TikTok’s enormous popularity is attributed to this recommendation system, which tailors material to each user’s interests. If a transaction takes place, McCourt thinks China would probably keep the algorithm. He is a supporter of a new internet architecture that functions differently, departing from the prevalent “top-down” recommendation mechanisms on existing platforms.

Although Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition, specifics regarding funding and objectives have still come to light. Estimates regarding the possible sale price of TikTok’s American operations range greatly; they might be as high as $100 billion or so, depending on ByteDance’s total income. Another level of difficulty is added by the Chinese government’s position on selling TikTok, especially without the algorithm.

There are many obstacles in the TikTok legal landscape. One aspect of the ongoing legal disputes is the case ByteDance is pursuing against the United States government. TikTok and several users have sued Montana in an attempt to overturn a state law that would outlaw the app. It has been decided to impose a temporary stay, which will stop the Montana prohibition until the federal litigation is settled. These court cases demonstrate the acrimonious climate in which TikTok works and the formidable obstacles that any prospective purchaser would have to overcome.

The Role of Project Liberty

Project Liberty is a key component of McCourt’s acquisition plan for TikTok. Prominent individuals including social psychologist Jonathan Haidt support the movement, which aims to create a healthy internet with greater data privacy laws. Haidt’s research on the effects of social media on mental health, especially in his book “The Anxious Generation,” is in line with McCourt’s call for a more accountable and open internet.

McCourt’s Broader Internet Goals

McCourt wants to change the internet, and part of that goal includes his bid for TikTok. To address concerns over user autonomy and data protection, Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition and adopt an open-source methodology. He thinks that this action may act as a spark for more significant modifications to the way digital platforms function, giving people more control over tech companies.


Frank McCourt wants TikTok acquisition is a daring move in the direction of remaking the internet. His bid stands out from those of other interested parties due to its emphasis on user empowerment and data privacy through Project Liberty. Although there are still legal and political obstacles to overcome, McCourt’s vision provides a window into a potential future in which consumers will have more control over their digital identities.

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