
Apple Vision Pro Building Cheaper Vision Headset

Apple Vision Pro Building Cheaper Vision Headset

In order to improve user experience without breaking the bank, Apple Vision Pro is creating a Cheaper Vision Headset to make advanced technology more accessible. Rather, the tech giant is purportedly looking into ways to lower the cost of the parts for the current Vision Pro model and is working on a less expensive headset that it hopes to release by the end of 2025.

The Vision Pro High Quality, High Price

Released earlier this year, the original Vision Pro gained recognition for its sophisticated features and high-resolution displays. The headset’s hefty cost—which starts at $3,499—and weight, however, has drawn criticism. These elements have resulted in lower-than-expected sales, which has forced Apple to reconsider its approach.

Introducing the Cheaper Vision Headset

Apple is currently concentrating on a less expensive Vision headset model, which is purportedly codenamed N109. This new model aims to keep the high-resolution screens that set the Vision Pro apart but to cut expenses, some functionality will be removed. The Information claims that Apple intends to make the less expensive headset “at least one-third lighter” and charge between $1,500 and $2,500, just like a high-end iPhone.

Challenges in Cost Reduction

According to the source, Apple has had difficulty reducing expenses without materially sacrificing the functionality of the headset. Thus, it’s possible that the less expensive model won’t make the 2025 release window. The business is committed to lowering the cost of the new headset and increasing its accessibility for a wider range of users despite these obstacles.

Continued Support for the Vision Pro

Although the emphasis is now on a less expensive device, Apple is not giving up on its present Vision Pro. By the end of June, the business intends to make Vision Pro available in more foreign regions, such as China, Japan, Australia, Canada, and France. To further improve the user experience, a free software update this autumn will provide additional capabilities like a 3D photo converter and enhanced hand gestures.

Market Implications

Apple’s move to halt development on the upcoming high-end Vision Pro might have a big impact on the market for mixed reality headsets. Apple’s action may have an impact on rivals like Samsung and Meta, who are also creating their premium headsets. The business hasn’t completely ruled out the prospect of picking up development on a high-end Vision Pro in the future, either.

Adapting to Market Demands

Apple’s choice to concentrate on a less expensive Vision headset indicates its flexibility in meeting consumer requests. The premium Vision Pro has not done as well as anticipated, but the business is still fully committed to developing new products and growing its customer base. The impending low-cost model can increase the market for mixed-reality headsets by drawing in more users and establishing new benchmarks.


In conclusion, slower-than-expected sales of the current model have forced Apple to refocus its efforts on producing a Cheaper Vision Headset instead of a new, high-end model. The new headgear seeks to be more accessible while maintaining high-quality displays; it is anticipated to be lighter and less expensive. This tactical change demonstrates Apple’s flexibility and dedication to satisfying consumer needs, which might increase its user base and have an impact on the direction of the mixed-reality headset industry.

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