
disaster recovery virtualization

What is disaster recovery virtualization?

Disaster recovery virtualization in an environment can provide a reliable and cost-effective solution to mitigate the risk of downtime and data loss. In this article, we will discuss how to set up and configure a virtualized disaster recovery environment.

First, we will study what disaster recovery is and its importance.


Disaster recovery virtualization 

Disaster recovery refers to the process of restoring critical business operations and IT infrastructure following a disruptive event, such as a natural disaster, cyber-attack or man-made calamities such as accidental erasure of data or loss of equipment.


What is Virtual Disaster Recovery?

Virtual disaster recovery is a type of disaster recovery that leverages virtualization technology to replicate and recover IT infrastructure and data in the event of a disruptive event. A virtualized copy of an organization’s IT systems and data is created as part of virtual disaster recovery, and it is subsequently replicated to a backup location or cloud environment.

We’ll examine the significance of this disaster recovery strategy before moving on to how to set up a virtual disaster environment.


What is the importance of Virtual Disaster Recovery Plan?

A virtual disaster recovery plan is essential for organizations of all sizes, as it provides a reliable and cost-effective solution to mitigate the risk of downtime and data loss. Here are some reasons why a virtual disaster recovery plan is important:

  1. Minimizes Downtime: A virtual disaster recovery plan helps minimize downtime by allowing critical IT systems and data to be quickly restored in the event of a disaster. This reduces the impact of the disaster on business operations and helps organizations maintain their reputation with customers and partners.
  2. Protects Against Data Loss: Virtual disaster recovery ensures that critical business data is protected against loss. By replicating data to a secondary site or cloud environment, organizations can quickly recover data in the event of a disaster.
  3. Increases Resilience: By leveraging virtualization technology, a virtual disaster recovery plan provides increased resilience to organizations. Virtualization allows for flexibility and scalability in disaster recovery solutions, enabling organizations to quickly adapt to changing business needs.
  4. Improves Cost-Effectiveness: Traditional disaster recovery solutions can be expensive, requiring dedicated physical infrastructure and complex processes. In contrast, virtual disaster recovery leverages virtualization technology, which is often more cost-effective and can be easily scaled to meet changing business needs.
  5. Enables Testing and Optimization: Virtual disaster recovery plans enable organizations to test and optimize their disaster recovery procedures without disrupting business operations. This ensures that the plan is effective and can be quickly activated in the event of a disaster.


Now, we will discuss the steps of how to set up and configure a virtualized disaster recovery environment.

Steps to Set Up and Configure a Virtualized Disaster Recovery Environment


Step 1: Assess Your Business Requirements

To begin the setup process of a virtualized disaster recovery environment, it is important to first assess your business needs. This includes considering factors such as Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO), available budget, and resources. RTO is the maximum allowable time for recovery after a disaster, while RPO is the maximum tolerable data loss for your business. Based on this assessment, you can then select an appropriate virtualization platform and disaster recovery solution.

Step 2: Choose a Virtualization Platform

The first step in setting up a virtualized disaster recovery environment is to choose a virtualization platform. Some popular virtualization platforms include VMware, Hyper-V, and KVM. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that best meets your business needs. You should also ensure that the virtualization platform supports the disaster recovery solution you plan to use.

Step 3: Select a Disaster Recovery Solution

The next step is to select a disaster recovery solution. There are various disaster recovery solutions available in the market, such as VMware Site Recovery Manager, Veeam Backup & Replication, and Zerto Virtual Replication. Each solution has its strengths and weaknesses, and you should choose the one that best meets your business requirements. Ensure that the disaster recovery solution is compatible with the virtualization platform you choose.


Step 4: Configure Your Disaster Recovery Environment

Once you have selected the virtualization platform and disaster recovery solution, the next step is to configure your disaster recovery environment. This involves setting up replication between the primary and secondary sites, configuring networking, storage, and security settings. You should also test the failover and failback procedures to ensure that they work as expected.


Step 5: Implement Monitoring and Maintenance

The final step is to implement monitoring and maintenance procedures for your virtualized disaster recovery environment. Regular monitoring can help you detect potential issues before they become critical. You should also conduct periodic tests to ensure that your disaster recovery environment is functioning correctly. Additionally, you should update your disaster recovery plan regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and up to date.


What is the difference between Virtual disaster recovery and physical disaster recovery?

In the event of a disaster, two methods exist to protect IT systems and data: virtual disaster recovery and physical disaster recovery. While minimizing downtime and data loss is the goal of both solutions, their implementation differs significantly.


Before moving to differences between them, we will first see what Physical Disaster Recovery is?


Physical Disaster Recovery

Physical disaster recovery is the establishment of a backup site with specialized physical infrastructure to support vital IT systems and data. This site is frequently situated at a separate geographic location. The data and IT systems are moved to the backup site in case of calamity, where they may be easily restored.


Differences between Virtual and Physical Disaster Recovery


Here are some key differences between virtual and physical disaster recovery:

Point of Difference


Virtual Disaster Recovery Physical Disaster Recovery
Infrastructure Uses virtualization technology to replicate and recover critical IT systems and data. Uses hardware-based solutions to replicate and recover critical IT systems and data.
Cost Runs in a virtualized environment, which can be easily replicated to a secondary site or cloud environment. Requires physical servers and storage, which can be more difficult and costly to replicate to a secondary site or cloud environment.
Flexibility Provides greater flexibility and scalability, enabling organizations to quickly and easily adjust resources to meet changing needs. Provides more limited flexibility and scalability, as physical hardware is often more difficult and costly to upgrade or replace.
Speed Offers faster recovery times, as virtual machines can be easily and quickly spun up in a secondary site or cloud environment. It offers slower recovery times, as physical hardware must be physically transported to a secondary site or cloud environment, which can take more time.
Testing Can be tested and validated more easily, without disrupting production systems. Testing and validation can be more difficult and disruptive, as physical hardware must be taken offline and transported to a test environment.


Which strategy is best for your company?


The scale of your organization, the complexity of your IT systems, and your budget all affect your decision between virtual and physical disaster recovery. For larger organizations with complex IT systems and high availability demands, physical disaster recovery solutions are frequently more suitable. Small to mid-sized businesses that need a disaster recovery solution that is affordable, adaptable, and scalable may consider virtual disaster recovery solutions.


What are the different types of Virtual disaster recovery environments?

There are several types of virtual disaster recovery environments, each with its own benefits and use cases. Here are some of the most common types:

Cloud-based Disaster Recovery: This kind of virtual disaster recovery environment hosts and controls the backup and recovery procedure through a cloud service provider. The popularity of cloud-based disaster recovery is attributed to its simplicity, scalability, and affordability.


Virtual Machine Replication: Replicating and synchronizing virtual machines between the primary and secondary sites is the goal of this strategy. The secondary site can take over with little disturbance to the business if the original site fails. Organizations that seek to reduce downtime and guarantee business continuity should use this technique.


Virtual Tape Library (VTL) Replication: Data from a virtual tape library is replicated to a secondary site using virtual tape library (VTL) replication. The ability to quickly recover data in the event of a disaster is helpful for organizations that have a lot of data saved on tapes.


Storage Array Replication: Data replication from one storage array to another is done through storage array replication. This strategy is perfect for businesses that have made significant investments in storage arrays and want to safeguard their data in the case of an emergency.


Backup and Restore: Backup and restore is a typical disaster recovery strategy that entails making data backups and restoring them in the event of an emergency. The backup and restoration process can be streamlined and accelerated using virtualization technologies.

Each of these virtual disaster recovery environments has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right approach will depend on the specific needs and priorities of the organization.


What are the tools available for Virtual Disaster Recovery?

To make your work easy there are several tools available in the market for virtual disaster recovery, each with its own set of features and benefits. Here are some of the most popular tools:


  1. VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM): SRM is a popular disaster recovery tool for VMware environments. It enables organizations to automate the recovery process, ensuring that virtual machines are replicated and recovered quickly in the event of a disaster.


  1. Veeam Backup and Replication: Veeam Backup and Replication is another popular tool for virtual disaster recovery. It provides backup and replication capabilities for both VMware and Hyper-V environments, making it a flexible solution for organizations with heterogeneous virtual environments.


  1. Zerto Virtual Replication: Zerto Virtual Replication is a disaster recovery solution that provides near-instantaneous recovery of virtual machines in the event of a disaster. It uses continuous data protection to replicate data to a secondary site, ensuring that data loss is minimized.


  1. Acronis Cyber Disaster Recovery: Acronis Cyber Disaster Recovery is a cloud-based disaster recovery solution that provides backup and recovery capabilities for both virtual and physical environments. It also includes automated failover and failback capabilities to ensure business continuity.


  1. Unitrends Backup and Disaster Recovery: For both virtual and physical settings, Unitrends Backup and Disaster Recovery is a system that offers backup, replication, and recovery capabilities. In order to provide quick and effective recovery in the event of a disaster, it incorporates capabilities like automated failover, WAN optimization, and granular recovery.

These are just a few examples of the many virtual disaster recovery tools available in the market today. When selecting a tool, it’s important to consider factors such as the specific features and capabilities required, the complexity of the environment, and the budget available.



In virtualized systems, virtual disaster recovery offers a flexible, effective, and economical method to data protection and disaster recovery. Corporations can select the solution that best fits their unique needs and financial constraints from a choice of ones offered on the market. In the case of a disaster or outage, putting in place a virtual disaster recovery plan can assist assure business continuity and reduce data loss. Organizations can set up and design a virtual disaster recovery environment that offers dependable protection for their crucial data and applications by following the instructions provided in this article.


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