
Elon Musk Receives Call from Trump Out of the Blue

Elon Musk Receives Call from Trump Out of the Blue

In the article Musk Receives Call from Trump, Elon Musk describes receiving an unexpected call from Donald Trump, which has sparked rumors and intrigue regarding their chat. At Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas, Musk disclosed these talks, saying that Trump often contacts him “out of the blue for no reason”.

Musk’s Influence on Trump

Musk made a suggestion during the discussion that he might be influencing Trump’s opinions regarding electric cars (EVs). Trump has long been an opponent of electric vehicles, but lately he showed a startling amount of respect for Tesla and its CEO. At an Arizona event, Trump declared himself to be a “big fan of electric cars” and gave Musk credit, stating, “I like Elon, I like him, and I think a lot of people are going to want to buy an electric car.” This was the turning point in his remarks.

Changing Opinions

Trump has previously attacked electric vehicles (EVs), saying they are ineffective and detrimental to American autoworkers. He has pledged to undo President Joe Biden’s EV initiatives and threatened to bring about a “bloodbath” in the economy should the shift to EVs go through. But Trump’s position appears to have softened as a result of Musk’s convincing talks. Musk revealed that he stresses the advantages of electric vehicles (EVs) for the environment and their patriotic appeal during their talks, saying, “America is the leader in electric cars”.

The Role of Friends

Musk hinted that Trump would be swayed in his changing views by his friends, many of whom are now Tesla owners. According to Musk, “many of his friends now own Teslas.” “They all adore it. Additionally, he adores the Cybertruck.” This endorsement from close friends may be influencing Trump to think more favorably of electric cars.

Mutual Support

Musk and Trump seem to have a mutually beneficial connection. Musk recently backed Trump following his conviction on 34 felonies, referring to the accusations as “trivial.” In response, Trump has thought about giving Musk a consulting position in his cabinet should he win the next election. According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk, Trump, and billionaire Nelson Peltz had breakfast together in March during which they talked about different policies and chastised Biden.

Public Alignment

In recent weeks, both men have expressed their public support for one another. Musk’s support of electric vehicles and his attempts to dissuade powerful people from endorsing Biden’s plans are in line with Trump’s objectives. With his embrace of the Republican Party and his criticism of Biden’s administration, Musk has grown more outspoken about his political beliefs.

Future Implications

Trump and Musk’s conversations on call show how powerful business executives may sway political beliefs and laws. The way that Trump is positioning himself on EVs as he moves through his campaign and maybe back into administration could have a big effect on the sector. For the time being, Musk’s capacity for persuasion and his continuous conversations with Trump point to the emergence of a relationship that might have significant ramifications for Tesla and the larger EV industry.


As Elon Musk Receives Call from Trump, his disclosure of Trump’s sporadic phone conversations and their conversations about electric vehicles offers insight into the potential influence of public-facing interactions on political positions and business patterns. The growing connection between Trump and Musk highlights how politics and business interact to influence public perception and future policy.

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